How to increase the font-size of the content in bbpress forums

In this article we will discuss that how to change the font-size and color for the content in the bbpress forums. I have seen several quizzes about to change the font size and color in the bbpress forums, I’ll try to help you through this article. Continue reading “How to increase the font-size of the content in bbpress forums”

Prevent your email-address from the spam bots in WordPress without any plugin

From the last several days I have lot of spam mails on the contact-us email address. After investigating, I have found several reasons: one of them is that I have place the email address on the contact page that was accessible by everyone include the spam bots also. Many Spam bots can find very easily your email address format using the several regular expression. So you need to protect your email address from the spam bots. If you have a wordpress site than you can use the antispambot() function to encrypt the email address.The function will encode the characters in your address to their HTML character entity. Continue reading “Prevent your email-address from the spam bots in WordPress without any plugin”

Show the title for the Link and aside post type in twenty fourteen wordpress

In 2014 the WordPress release its new version with its default theme twenty fourteen.The Twenty fourteen theme supports various post types including the Aside and Link. The both Post format doesn’t have the title of post. Continue reading “Show the title for the Link and aside post type in twenty fourteen wordpress”

Run php code in the wordpress post using Allow PHP in Posts and Pages Plugin

WordPress is the most popular blog system. You can customize your blog as you want. In addition you can also execute PHP code in posts and pages using the ‘Allow PHP in Posts and Pages‘ Plugin. Continue reading “Run php code in the wordpress post using Allow PHP in Posts and Pages Plugin”

List of 5 plugins installed in my all wordpress based sites

Wordpress logo
I am discussing with you the five key elements for any website: search engine optimization(seo), performance, security, flexibility and content. Fortunately you can get the mostly all things except content(:)) with the help of additional plugins. I have multiple WordPress sites and my every site contains following plugins for the better seo, performance, security and flexibility.

For Search Engine Optimization

All in One SEO Pack
You can optimize your WordPress site for the Search Engines with the help of All In One Seo pack plugin. The plugin has great features like to optimizes your titles for search engines and generates META tags automatically. Now it supports the e-commerce sites.
Main features of this plugins are:

XML Sitemap support: submit your sitemap to Google and Bing and improve your SEO

Google Analytics support: You don’t need to add another plugin to add Google Analytics for your pages.

SEO on Custom Post Types: If you have your own custom types post in your site, Plugin will take case for this.

Advanced Canonical URLs: Plugin offers a option that will automatically generate Canonical URLs for your entire WordPress installation. This will help to prevent duplicate contents

Optimizes titles and description of the posts for the search engines automatically: You can also override title, META description and META keywords for particular post.

Google XML Sitemaps
If you don’t want to use ‘XML Sitemap support’ feature of the ‘All in One SEO Pack’ plugin, you can add ‘Google XML Sitemaps’ plugin to your website.
Sitemaps are so important for better indexing in all search engines including Google. Google XML Sitemaps plugin generates a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing to better index your Websites or blogs.


W3 Total Cache
W3 Total cache plugins improves the total user experience by increase the site speed by browser, page, object and database caching, minify and HTTP compression of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and feeds and decrease the server load.


BulletProof Security
htaccess based BulletProof Security plugin protects your website against XSS, RFI, CRLF, CSRF, Base64, Code Injection and SQL Injection. It protects verious configuration files such as wp-config.php, bb-config.php, php.ini, php5.ini, install.php and readme.html with .htaccess security protection. Two years ago one of my site had been infected with unnecessary script injection. Then i have got the plugin and from that time everything is working good.

And In the last one of my favourite.

Ad Codes Widget
I use the Ad Codes Widget plugin to show the ads, script and php code in the custom widgets of the sidebar. It means you will have more control on the sidebar. You can show the data according you. If you have some knowledge of the basic web development then it would be great to manage your sidebars. This is also very helpful for the non programmer.

So above are the great plugins for your website. You can try…bye

Wordfence plugin – Protect your wordpress site from Attacks and viruses

Wordfence security plugin for wordpress sites
Today there is the big challenge to protect your WordPress site from the hackers. Unwanted attacks and viruses can hurt your site’s reputation. So i suggest you a WordPress plugin named Wordfence for your WordPress site to prevent these attacks. Continue reading “Wordfence plugin – Protect your wordpress site from Attacks and viruses”